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Friendship is a non-governmental organisation that aims to help poor people in remote and unaddressed communities in Bangladesh. To improve the lives of these poor communities, we focus our support on six programmes:
1 - Health
Access to healthcare is a fundamental human right, but is not yet available to many of the poor in the remote areas of Bangladesh. We have spent the past 15 years developing the infrastructure, services and innovative technologies that enable us to bring reliable healthcare to marginalised communities, despite the difficult environment. People's lives are saved or changed beyond recognition thanks to Friendship.
2 - Education
Friendship is proud to have successfully built and established 78 self-sufficient schools where previously there were no government schools in remote areas of Bangladesh. This has given children (and adults) in marginalised communities the chance to enjoy their basic right to education.
3 - Inclusive Citizenship
Remote char communities are often ostracised, vulnerable and powerless. Unlike citizens of mainland Bangladesh, chars dwellers don't receive the public services available to them. They're often simply unable to access public institutions from their highly remote islands. In addition, these communities have little knowledge of national institutions, and are unaware of their rights or how to gain access to public services. Friendship ensures these marginalised people are made aware of their rights. We give them a voice to claim their legal and economic rights and put them in contact with the government officials who can deliver them.
4 - Climate Actions
Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to natural disasters as people suffer the repercussions of global warming and climate change. Cyclones and floods ravage the country with increasing regularity and the poor are always the worst affected. Every year, people die here because of extreme climate-related events. Friendship focuses its efforts on helping the char inhabitants in areas prone to natural disasters. We also support local government and community-based institutions to improve conditions and accelerate the rehabilitation process.
5 - Sustainable Economic Development
The char dwellers often have no readily available sources of income. Friendship provides skills, training and job opportunities to vulnerable women. We also advise farmers and fishermen on how to improve their production and yields and provide them with loans to buy equipment. See some of our key projects below.
  • Weaving, tailoring and embroidery centers
  • Agricultural project
  • Rural Electrification project
  • Fishermen's project
6 - Cultural Preservation
Bangladesh has a rich boat-building heritage but the skills passed down over thousands of years are on the verge of extinction. The introduction of cheap diesel engines resulted in the motorization of river boats replacing traditional masts and sails. Steel welded sheets replaced wood as the principal raw material. Once revered for their services, carpenters, sail-makers, blacksmiths and rope-makers are no longer in demand. We strive to preserve Bangladesh's irreplaceable boat-building heritage before it is lost forever and help to create a sustainable livelihood for the boat-builders.